Thursday, March 16, 2017

Clicksense and NeoBux

Today is March 14, marking my journey into the Pay To Click world at about three weeks. I have come to the conclusion, that for me, there are two easy winners; Clicksense and Scarlet Clicks. Scarlet Clicks is making $2.50 -$3.00 a day. I am reinvesting it back onto my site by extending my referrals and Gold membership. I am feeling very pleased. I have 360 RR's and 50 Direct Referrals.

I got my new laptop 3/8. I wanted it mostly to use on Neo Bux. I had great hopes for Neo Bux but I feel very disappointed in the actual outcome. Of the 50 RR's I rented 3/8, over 12 haven't clicked at all yet, which is almost 25%. In addition, the referrals who were clicking weren't credited to me. I was very careful about clicking at least 4 ads a day. However, when I requested assistance, I was told you need to click 4 ads a day. I replied with a screen cap of every ad being clicked and still seeing a message that says I need to click 4 ads a day and that so far I had zero ads clicked. My reply was deleted, understandable, it was quite lengthy and the next day my referrals started to earn. This experience with Neo Buxs has been depressing. To make money, I would need to go gold and that is $90.00 and rent a lot more referrals. I lack trust in this company and will be backing out of this site. This is just my opinion. There are a lot of people who love NeoBux, so I suggest try it for yourself, but be wary.

A more pleasant surprise was Clicksense. I have earned over $25.00 so far with little to no investment. I am trying to figure out how to advertise my referral link. I guess if I were younger, I would be more computer savvy. I need a more step by step approach, but I will continue to work on it and eventually, I will figure it out.

Now that I have the lap top, I am finding more and more surveys to take. Yesterday I made almost six dollars doing surveys. Today, about $2.00, but if you have the patience, the money is there and most surveys pay instantly. Many surveys require a computer with a mouse. I am probably rejected by 80% of the surveys. I think the demographics of my age and income figure into that a lot. I am sure if you are younger with children, there are a lot more surveys available.

I am still undecided about Ojooo, Clicksten and GPT.  Hopefully, by my next post, I will have more information and be able to make some decisions.

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