Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Scarlet Clicks

Today, I want to speak to you about my experience with Scarlet Clicks.  SC, as I refer to it, is a really easy site to manage. I can see how PTC would seem very attractive to people with extremely low incomes. If they have patience and a smart phone they can very, very slowly start to generate a small monthly income. If the annual average income is $100, then $10 per month income would be very appealing. So while many people in industrialized nations look down on PTC, it may be a boon to

Industrialized snob that I am, I am seeking to generate a monthly income of $150 on at least two sites. Ideally, I can have a total of $200-$300 to withdraw from my accounts each  Poor people anywhere in the world, as long as they have a smart phone or access to the internet.  It won't be easy and it will take time, but it can be done.

SC is the site showing me the most promise right now. Just clicking on ads is only going to generate fifty cents a month, if that much. So, I need to turn my attention to referrals and upgrading my membership. By upgrading my membership to gold, I get credit for the full amount of each click a referral makes. It adds up. Upgrading to Gold on SC is $20 month or $75 a year. Right now I am doing it monthly. Rented Referrals cost .15 each for 30 days. I have invested in 360 RR's. I also have 40 Direct referrals. Direct Referrals are pricey, 10 cost $20, but there are no other fees and you own them for life.

As of yesterday, between my clicking and my referrals, I am generating income of about $1.50 a day. Before expenses. Today, I added 200 referrals bring my total to 360 and 40 direct referrals. Today, I also learned how to extend a referral. Extending referrals is very important. I only did a few. I extended them for thirty days. Extending the rest will take a little work as I figure out the math. Ugh. I think you want to get 10 more direct referrals and 140 Rented Referrals and see what happens. Once I become more proficient with extending referrals, it will only take me a minute. I just need to click a box all the way down the RR page and then hit the drop down box at the bottom of the page. There I can extend for 15 or 30 days or even more. I can also delete or swap out a non paying referral. If they are not clicking, I don't want them.

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