Join me as I personally evaluate the Paid To Click on line phenomena and learn if it is a scam or a successful money making opportunity. I've registered in Clicksense, Clixten, Ojooo, Scarlet Clicks, NeoBux, and GPT.
It seems everywhere you go on the internet these days, there's a banner on the page urging you to work from home and make untold riches. I have always viewed such ads as scams. I grew up with the mantra, "work or starve" and "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't." After all, nothing is free, right? Not exactly.
I find myself at a difficult point in life. I have never been good with money. I deeply resent the power it has over me and instead of respecting such power, I often throw good sense to the wind and act irresponsibly with my money. In the past, I'd have picked up a part time job, worked hard and I would have resolved my financial issue. Today I am 66 and medically disabled. I can't sit with my feet down for more than an hour without my feet becoming painfully swollen so a sit down job at a desk won't work. I also have an issue with tachycardia when I stand or walk; any job involving either is off limits. So if I can't sit at a job, or stand like a cashier or walk like a normal person, when it comes to finding a job, I'm pretty much screwed.
Recently, once again, I became careless and over extended myself. Those little 'get rich quick' banners became suddenly more enticing and demanded more attention.
The first banner I saw was for a PTC company called Clicksense. I googled it and read some reviews and was shocked to hear good things from objective reviews. I looked into other PTC companies and after a great deal of reading and watching videos, I registered with several companies. My understanding of PTC is I am not going to become a millionaire. Not even close. However, with time and a small amount of money, I can set up a steady money stream.
It is recommended not to put all your money in one site. If the company should disappear, you would lose everything. So I picked out six. I found it interesting as I read the terms of service of each site, not one company will ever issue you a refund, regardless of reason.
So, I started.Wad.Ojooo at first, but I had so much trouble certifying my clicks, I quit. They ask you to draw a shape and provide a partial shape. If you do that, it won't validate. After much trial and error, I learned to just trace the two lines and it automatically validated. I did buy twenty referrals but with a balance of just .37, I need to figure out how to cut my losses and run from this site. It didn't help that while I was surfing around for this blog, I found an article giving OJOOO a very bad rep and not recommending them as they are experiencing financial problems and not paying on time.
All you have to do is click on an ad from the website's View Ads. Your click is validated and you get paid for the click. Most clicks pay.001 so it can be slow. Clicksense offers other ways to make money by taking surveys and performing tasks. I made $10 performing a task. I think it was downloading a game and playing it.
I joined Clicksense 2/20/2017 and never laid out one cent. Today, my balance is $3.92 with an additional $10.00 pending. That pending $10 payment may take up to two months to actually post to my account.
This is an extremely popular site but I have been underwhelmed. For one thing, although not required, a really high percentage of surveys require a computer with a mouse. For another, there are no referrals. There is an affiliate program, but I found it too complex to understand and I am really not sure what it is. Which leads us to my biggest complaint, not enough help. The FAQ are small in number. There are no instructions or guidelines. The Forum was interesting but unhelpful. I get the impression you should know what you are doing and be savvy enough not to have to ask. I am leaning heavily towards dropping Clicksense as soon as my $10 payment converts from pending. In the meantime, I will continue to click ads and when the laptop I recently ordered arrives, I will try the surveys again. I am not optimistic because on other sites where I can access the surveys, I rarely match the criteria necessary for the survey. Suffice to say, they are not looking for retired people.
Next time I will talk about my successes with Scarlet Clicks and NeoBux.
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